Eduardo Gutierrez-Garcia


Eduardo has more than 25 years’ African private equity experience and has been responsible for many transactions, including Eaton Towers, Libstar, CAL Bank, RTT and HomeChoice.

Before he joined DPI in July 2008, Eduardo was an Executive Director of Brait South Africa and Brait’s private equity division. He played a leading role in several landmark South African private equity transactions, including the buyout of Pepkor.

A Chartered Accountant, Eduardo trained at KPMG in South Africa. He holds a BSc (Med) from the University of the Witwatersrand, as well as a BSc (Med) (Hons) (Medical Biochemistry) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting, both from the University of Cape Town. He is a citizen of South Africa, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Country of Origin: South Africa

Joined DPI: 2008