Our approach is aligned to Principles 2 and 6 of the Operating Principles for Impact Management. In addition to the PRI and 2X Challenge reporting, DPI integrates Impact and ESG data in its quarterly reports to its investors for all three funds and prepares a standalone yearly ESG report for each fund (Impact and ESG report for ADP III).
Our DPIMS defines and supports assessment, monitoring and reporting to investors as reflected in our commitment to investors to:
Development Partners International LLP (DPI) publishes information on whether it considers the “adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors” under the SFDR. As defined under and in accordance with the SFDR, DPI does not currently consider the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors in connection with all its products and services, solely because the final regulatory technical standards which set out the scope of “principal adverse impacts” and the corresponding mandatory reporting template have not yet been adopted by European legislators. DPI will review its position following publication of the final regulatory technical standards and will model the information required under the SFDR against the extensive information that it currently collects on “principal adverse impacts” and consider the practicality of providing to investors the information required under the SFDR.