03 Oct 2023

DPI Joins ESG Data Convergence Initiative to Drive Collaboration Across the Industry on Meaningful Environmental, Social, And Governance Metrics for The Private Markets

We are proud to be a committed member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI), an industry-led initiative which aims to streamline the private investment industry’s approach to collecting ESG data and to create a critical mass of meaningful, performance-based, comparable ESG data from private companies.

As part of its value-add proposition, DPI has embedded Impact and ESG considerations into its activities since inception, and sought to invest with impact throughout the last decade.

The integration of ESG into our business and investment approach is the foundation that enables us to generate sustainable value, and the commitment to partnership underpins our success and stability of our portfolio companies.

We’re honoured to be part of the EDCI and look forward to working with them to help grow our industry’s understanding of collecting meaningful data.  Find out more about our Impact and ESG Strategy on our website: https://www.dpi-llp.com/impact-and-esg/